Some MARVEL-ous (sorry) Questions

So, I asked Lindsay (her art, her shiny new fandom blog) with what kind of post I could thank her for making the art work for this blog, and she suggested a Marvel/MCU-themed post. Rather than dive into one movie, show or comic, I decided to come up with a bunch of questions. I felt it was a bit presumptuous to present this as an actual tag (being a relatively new blogger with a tiny handful of readers) – but feel free to treat it as such if you want. If you don’t feel like answering all of them in a post you could of course just discuss your favorites in the comments. It’s going to be a relatively short post because I’m a bit busy at the moment.

1. Favorite Marvel comic

I’m going to spoil the answers to my own other comic-related questions, but, off the top of my head: anything centered around Kamala Khan as Ms. Marvel, Hawkeye by Matt Fraction and David Aja, the Gillen-McKelvie run from Young Avengers.

2. Favorite MCU movie

I want to say Black Panther but that might be because I have seen it most recently. I do think it will probably hold up really well, though. I also really enjoyed Winter Soldier and still have a soft spot for the first Avengers movie, having watched it multiple times with my closest friends. I also think Iron Man 3 is an underrated delight.

3. Favorite of the MCU netflix shows

Definitely the first season of Jessica Jones, but I must admit I am woefully behind on all things netflix Marvel, since I have not yet watched season 2 of JJ or even the first seasons of Iron Fist, The Defenders and The Punisher. I really liked the first (or one-and-a-half) season of Daredevil as well and thought the first half of Luke Cage was great fun (until the whole villain switcheroo thing happened, but let’s not go off an a tangent here). Jessica Jones, however, is the only one I would count among my favorite current television shows, regardless of genre or relations to any cinematic universes.

4. Favorite non-MCU marvel adaptation (like The X-Men films, Deadpool, an animated show or movie, etc.)? And do you prefer Agent Carter or Agents of Shield?

My current favorite superhero movie is Logan. I could spend a whole paragraph rambling about why but guess what? I already did that. I stopped watching AoS multiple times only to try it again after hearing about how it had improved, but still found it very lackluster, so I gave up on it again. I did watch and enjoy all of Agent Carter, even though I had some problems with it – it wasn’t one of my favorite shows, but it definitely was a lot of fun.

5. A Movie you are looking forward to?

Even I, someone with a fondness for most genres and subgenres including all superhero related stuff, am finding myself wishing that Hollywood would move on to the next trend, already. Having said that, I AM excited that one of Marvel’s female heroes is finally getting a movie, so I am really looking forward to Captain Marvel.

6. Which marvel comic book series do you really want to start/continue?

I have the first volumes of both Hawkeye (focused on the one and only Kate Bishop rather than Clint Barton) by Kelly Thompson and the much-praised Vision series by Tom King on comixology and should really read them sometime soon. Preferably yesterday. After seeing Black Panther I also really want to continue reading Ta-Nehisi Coates’ run of the comics (I have only read the first volume), but I’m waiting until I can buy a nice collected edition.

7. A character whose comic version you prefer to the movies?

Hawkeye. OK, That is cheating, since current marvel gives us TWO awesome, interesting Hawkeyes: Clint Barton AND Kate Bishop. Even if I just was talking about Clint, though, I would pick the comic book version (having read the comics by Fraction as well as Jeff Lemire’s run). Movie-Clint is a fun, snarky counterpart to the more outlandish superheroes in the team BUT in terms of actual characterization, I love ‘Human Disaster That Just Happens To Shoot Arrows Really Well’ Clint Barton so much more.

(images via goodreads)

8. A character whose movie version you prefer to the comics?

I don’t feel like I have read enough comics to really answer this question (…that I made up. I know), but I never felt that inclined to pick up any comics about Steve Rogers since a lot of his comic book incarnations seem to fall into more standard, macho-y hero-types that I am not particularly interested in, thank you very much. I like MCU Captain America, though.

9. A character you wish got his/her own movie already

Look, I liked Spider-Man: Homecoming, but that we have seen Peter Parker surviving his high school years THREE TIMES now, yet there is no cute coming-of-age action adventure centered around Kamala Khan is a missed opportunity and, frankly, Marvel should feel bad about it.

10. Which story from the comics would make a great TV show or movie?

Not sure how they could make it work inside the MCU since they have different versions of Loki and Hawkeye, but oh well, such small details won’t stop my imagination: the Young Avengers run by Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie would make for a wonderful teen drama/superhero show. They could use the storyline from the comics as the overarching story arc but coupled with some monster/villain-of-the-week type stuff added in. The team isn’t just filled with fun, engaging characters, it is also very diverse, making it a welcome addition to the current MCU teams. They could also use the serial aspect to focus on character arcs and coming-of-age issues. It would be like a contemporary Buffy the Vampire Slayer, is what I’m saying – but with less vampires, more diversity and more traveling between worlds/dimensions. This is a great idea and Netflix should contact me immediately.

And that’s it for today! Hopefully I will be back soon(ish) with something a bit more in-depth.